The success of a Little League is a reflection of the community and dedicated volunteers that support our program. Lewis River Little League has fostered skill development, teamwork, competition and 'love of the game' for close to 300 kids each year. Plus, the intangible benefits that our children receive through participating in Little League are invaluable life skills that help shape them as individuals. As a Little League Sponsor, you not only support player development in the sport of baseball, but you also help purchase needed equipment, uniforms, and help provide scholarships for players in need. Team sponsorship is also a great advertising opportunity for your business and a way of getting your family or organization recognized before hundreds of active families as a supporter of Lewis River Little League. Lewis River Little League is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization supported by the dedicated efforts of our league volunteers and the generosity of our community and sponsors. We are one of the only leagues in our surrounding area that is responsible for financing all of our field maintenance and improvements. With some of the lowest registration fees in the area and rising costs to run the program, we need your help to continue to improve our fields and facilities. Join us in making a positive impact on the youth of our community.On behalf of the Little League Board and our players, we would like to thank you in advance for your time and generosity. For more information, please email us at [email protected]. You can also get more information on our league by visiting our Facebook at Lewis River Little League. We hope to see you at our games and thank you for being a member of our supportive community.Sincerely,Cheryl Childers Aaron Alderman[email protected] [email protected]LRLL Sponsorship Officer LRLL PresidentWe have various sponsorship opportunities for any level of donation below:
Lewis River Little League 7055 Green Mountain Rd Woodland, Washington 98674
Phone: 360-749-5531 Email: [email protected]